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Monday, 7 October 2013

The most widespread myths about diet

1 The fat is getting fat No, not risen. stable and good fats (animal fat, olive oil, coconut oil) are the most efficient source of energy. If you exclude carbohydrates from the diet, stop gaining weight, respectively. you will not have to control the amount of food. Signal saturation mechanism operates in fat metabolism perfectly (which can not be said for the carbohydrate metabolism ). Sugars (both sweet dishes, but all carbohydrates) you can eat as you want, and you will at least a few hours again hungry or greedy. Among the healthy fats is not most vegetable oils because of the high proportion of omega 6 fatty acids .

2 Salt is harmful Salt, like fat, gained unfair bad name. If the diet lowers high proportion uhoľhydrátov - starchy foods, cereals, legumes and all refined sugars and other - salt will not only not a problem, but its consumption will even be increased (for classic paleo and paleo ketogenické ).

3 Carbohydrates are essential and should form the majority of food intake On the contrary. Do not need them at all. Yes, it's true that advertising for cereals, recommendations and world institutions are wrong, harmful, dangerous and false. Without anything that contains flour, sugar and starches (even without most of the fruit) is not only cool you can manage , but also - get rid of excess weight , reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases and you will feel infinitely better. Just so naokraj - civilization diseases. Causes of "civilization" - ie mainly food we eat and did not know, until we were "civilized" :) An estimated 75-80 percent of food hypermarket in the foods that we all, but I really do not eat at all. They are artificial, full of preservatives, sugars, starches, flavorings.

However, they are cheap to produce and easy to store. All breads, cereals, sweets, pasta ... inexpensive and easy way to feed the masses. With minimal nutritional value .

To read further about health, go to this website

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