Consider the following facts and you will change your tune and start getting enough rest, combined with a healthy diet and a little exercise, so you can drop those extra pounds. gaining weight? Get some rest a large study many participants found a connection to the individual to get little rest and obesity.
In fact, individuals who do not get enough sleep is plagued by an increasing risk factor for obesity. It may seem absurd to you, however there is plenty of medical evidence to back up the fact that a lack of rest results in overweight individuals. The results of this study are staggering.
For example, the recommended time one should sleep each night 7-8. However, individuals who sleep only half the recommended amount is 73% more likely to be overweight or even obese than those getting enough sleep. The risk factor dropped to less sleep you get, but they still remain high. individual sleeping 5 hours a night are at a 50% level of risk and those sleeping 6 hours only a 23% increased risk. However, you only need 7 or 8 hours per night to reduce your risk of becoming obese, to find the time in your schedule to sleep the recommended amount and you just might see your size shrinking breath. Why you need a break to lose weight? Most people do not really believe in "get more rest Theory" weight loss because it just does not make sense, at least on the one hand it is no. that because individuals who burn fewer calories while they are sleeping while they are awake, so obviously it's a big hole in the theory.
Or, so many people think. However, despite the fact you burn fewer calories when you are asleep than when you are awake you do not eat when you are asleep and this is what made the biggest difference in this claim. Consider if you only sleep 4 hours a night. That means you have an extra 3-4 hours to consume calories that can be making you overweight rather than if you went to sleep for 7 to 8 hours and ate nothing during this time frame. You will be surprised how many calories you can consume in one day not only by sleeping the recommended daily amount of 7 hours. yet another point when you lose sleep, grehlin, a substance in your body , has increased and it makes you want to eat more.
Not to mention that sleep deprivation reduces the amount of leptin in the body, a substance that suppresses appetite and lets you know when you are full. So, when you are sleepy your body tells you hungrier than it is and can let you know when you have filled it as well if you got enough rest. has retired not only the answer to losing weight while taking sleep is essential for helping your body function properly and keeping you from eating almost 24 hours a day, it is not only the elements one should to include in their life to lose weight. If you are interested in losing weight or maintaining weight then you need to eat right, exercise and get plenty of rest.
Doing this will keep you lean, healthy and full of energy so it is a good plan for you include healthy lifestyle because just getting more rest each night is not going to melt the pounds away although it will help some. unless you know how to start and then consider talking to a nutritionist and even a personal trainer to develop a plan for you to get moving and eating healthy.
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