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Monday, 7 October 2013

Ranking fat

Which fats are most suitable for the human body? When comparing fats and fatty foods should be taken into account the proportion of each type of fatty acids. The following chart ranks the most commonly used types of fat content according to the risk of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) - the "safest" the "most dangerous".

As you can see, Neolithic vegetable fats have the highest content of PUFA, and therefore have the highest proportion of worsening of inflammatory processes in the human body: Comparison of fat-content of polyunsaturated fatty acids Explanation: SFA (dark green) Saturates As noted in the article about cholesterol, saturated fats are stable and do not tend to the human body to oxidize (react with free radicals). Pose a health risk only in combination with a high amount of carbohydrates in the diet. We consider them safe . MUFA (green) Monounsaturated fatty acids These fatty acids have a positive impact on human health - improve insulin resistance and lower cholesterol. Pose a health risk only in combination with a high amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

We consider them safe . PUFA (red) Polyunsaturated fatty acids Food groups are represented by two main types: omega 6 - these fatty acids have a close chemical unstable and tend to oxidize in the human body, are making a pro-inflammatory nature of Omega 3 - species DHE and EPA are essential fatty acids that neutralize the effects of omega 6 fatty acids, and thus have anti-inflammatory in nature.

Fats presented in the table below, however, contain a kind of ALA, which the human body can not effectively use, according to some sources even reduces inventory "good" kind DHE and EPA. Polyunsaturated acids, therefore, the following ranking of "thrown into one bag" and will be considered in general for risk. We consider them risky .
Other substances (gray) Water, fiber, protein In most of the compared foods usually are other ingredients, but the overall assessment of the appropriateness of the food have no effect. - If the practicing nutritional ketosis , and thus have in their diet high fat, you will be eating "Neolithic" oil rich in PUFA are likely upset stomach. The organism thus makes clear that polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFA is not considered a suitable source of energy.

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