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Monday, 7 October 2013

Can you lose weight with rice diet

RICE belongs together with pasta and potatoes among the most commonly consumed in Annex Slovak households. Rice is popular for its great taste and effortless weight loss prípravu.Pri it with rice but do not overdo. Rice Diet is one of the procedures for weight loss that does not work. It unilateral reduction diet, another of the many guides unsuitable for rapid weight loss. More overweight you can not get rid of quickly. Many people eat in order to lose weight disastrous way. Was tortured by hunger, eat meals and stereotyped body lacks many nutrients. No wonder that such a lifestyle will take its toll. metabolism slows down and you suddenly getting fat and full of little things.

Rice Diet is just another way to harm her body. Dieting is the fact that after a certain period you eat only rice. What happens? Are you sure you lose weight. It is still excellent, finally, you say. This is what you wanted after all, is not it? But in fact, at the beginning before rid water than subcutaneous fat. Rice diet is bad because they face as a quick and easy solution to the problem called overweight. But does not address the cause of your weight! rice diets result is almost 100% yo-yo effect. Just at the moment when you get bored rice diet, go again to a normal diet, or just on the diet that brought you to obesity. And soon it will turn bold. Rice Diet is for you, the pounds are back. Again, you vytrápili your body! Why is rice diet to lose weight the wrong way? It's a drastic diet properly .

Daily intake does not exceed 900 calories. One serving has only 50 grams less than 180 kcal. Have you ever seen such a little rice? Fits in handfuls. So one handful of rice 5 times a day and you'll slim. The same applies even when eating other foods as the basis for a drastic diet, for example. chocolate. Just 5 blocks of chocolate a day and you'll even slimmer. Really out of 5 cubes of chocolate a day and gaining weight result will impress. main problem when receiving only a small amount of energy as 900 kcal (of course it depends on your body parameters - age, height, sex) is the lack of nutrients for the body.

Even when consumed a balanced diet experts nominated by the time the intake 900 kcal can not prepare nutritionally-quality nutritional diet. Some substances have to be delivered into the body in the form of compensation. After several weeks of lack of essential nutrients can lead to serious health complications! Thus, the choice of rice diets gambling, especially in older people. Rice draws water from the body. Therein lies the apparent success of the treatment. Rice is low in sodium and body drained. Nobody warn you that the lack of body sodium is as dangerous as its excess. How can a drainage benefit, or rather harm the cardiovascular system? Only aggravate. Since antiquity is a known fact that thick blood can only harm us.

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