Such as processed carbohydrates in the body ? Decompose into simple sugars Small quantities burn? Larger quantities cause insulin shock and storing surpluses into fatty tissues Sugar body perceives in high amounts as a threat - foreign substances, thus excluding the high levels of insulin, which seeks the surplus fast "tidying up"
The results are insulin shocks and voracious hunger, which started about an hour or two after eating, when insulin levels drop sharply Subsequently, the man spinning in a vicious circle of hunger and overeating In extreme cases, this vicious circle develops diabetes, have become more prevalent in developed countries, particularly in Europe and the U.S. are dramatically increasing
The exclusion of carbohydrates from food In the transition phase, when the body "turns" a different kind of metabolism, about 30 days, should not exceed the amount of carbohydrates eaten 50 grams per day? Then be maintained at a level max 100 grams a day? In order to maintain the body in "fat drive" is not important what these carbohydrates (vegetable, potato starch, honey, fruit) - important is the total volume ?
From a nutritional point of view is of course optimal when sugars come in the form of simple sugars readily processable, the perfect berry / berries? If the body does not have sufficient time to their carbohydrate intake, switch to fat burning, and the stocks of food (fats are not bad, they should be eating enough) However, if it once in a while, for example, a three day / once a week, yet indulge carbohydrates - likely it does not change, only slows the metabolism and will stubbornly wait for the intake of sugars, which is accustomed to fat loss.
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