Intense and frequent hunger, you can easily get rid of an increase in fat intake and reducing carbohydrate intake. Fat is for your body stable and reliable source of energy, which eliminates negative experiences with hunger. Effective management of hunger
As described in the section on weight loss , high consumption of carbohydrates leads to high production of insulin, which has the task as quickly as possible to store all the excess carbohydrates and fats. Having thus generally very effective storage leads to a sharp drop in blood sugar, which the body reacts to the exclusion of stress hormones and feelings of intense hunger ("route from hunger"). Rapid drop in blood sugar is to the human body is very dangerous signal - if you would sugar level falls below a certain value, the brain would not have enough energy for the future operation and fell into the coma. In case of decline associated with overproduction of insulin, although there is no such a scenario, but the signaling systems of the human body do not know.
So your blood sugar level quickly equalized again, your body dictates your consumption of carbohydrates again, that you feel like "the sweet". After re-carbohydrate consuming an entire cycle is repeated: the exclusion of insulin, low blood sugar and intense hunger again. Another disadvantage of carbohydrates is that your stomach is considered the primary source of energy, and therefore, even when eating a large amount of sugars or starches does not indicate a wholly state saturation. You are thus able to eat food Neolithic "to burst", but about half an hour to have a craving for more food. Thanks carbohydrate diet is therefore the day you can not shake the feeling of hunger.
More fat loss secrets revealed here
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